Lawn Mowing and Dimmer Switches

What do lawn mowing and dimmer switches have in common, you ask.  Well, read on and find out.  Yesterday I mowed the lawn, with a push mower, and it hadn’t been mowed in almost three weeks.  So what?  Remember what our “lawn” looks like:

Not very pretty. . .

Not very pretty. . .

It’s a hill.  And while it is downhill 50% of the time, the other 50% is a b*%@h, especially now when there are many obstacles; dirt, rocks, plastic fencing stuff, sprinkler heads, wires. . .So, I mowed.  And it took awhile.  Now, here’s where dimmer switches come into play.  Ever since about the second year we had our lake house, we’ve had someone do the mowing for us.  Let’s face it; we’d just come out on the weekends, and who wants to spend precious lake time mowing?  We even sold the riding lawn mower that came with the house.  Enter the renovation project.  Exit paying someone to mow.  So here’s what I tell myself as I am mowing – every time I mow, we are saving enough money to pay for one dimmer switch!  (Give or take a little; we had a great rate for mowing, and installed dimmer switches are more expensive than you would think).  So far I’ve mowed enough for two dimmer switches.  I’m also thinking as I am mowing that dimmer switches are highly overrated. . .

Now, for the exciting news – and pictures!  After months of agonizing over the stone for the exterior, it is finally here!  And, being installed!!  In the morning it was delivered, the installation crew showed up around 1:00 in the afternoon, and by 4:00ish, look at what they had done!  I’m betting they’ll finish today.  (By the way, do you “install” stone?  Or, is there a technical term?).  Here are the pictures:

The stone truck.  We thought the entire truckload was for us. NOT!

The stone truck. We thought the entire truckload was for us. NOT!

Delivering pallets

Delivering pallets

We did get our fair share of boxes. These four and two more.

We did get our fair share of boxes. These four and two more. This picture was taken after they left for the day, and used up quite a bit of the stone.



Stone staging

Stone staging

Stone tools

Stone tools

Stone on wall. . .

Stone on wall. . .

Stone close up

Stone close up

What they had done in 3 hours

What they had done in 3 hours

I must admit, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!  This was another one of those decisions where you look at an itty bitty sample to pick something huge.  Thus the agonizing.  Now I can sleep again at night!

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